
You ARE somebody!

WE traveled the country for years talking to students just like you, and here’s what we know:

  • Over 90% of Students Believe They Are Somebody
  • Over 95% of Students Are Willing To Be A Hero For Somebody

Students have the power to make a difference and be a game-changer for their friends, their teachers, their school, and loved ones in their community because students know what many adults don’t know.

Students know about bullying, cyber bullying, violence, drugs, sex abuse, inappropriate relationships, and they know about other students who are struggling because they are being bullied or abused or having an ideation about suicide and self-harm.

For students to be a hero for somebody, students need to make sure the right person or the right people are aware of concerning behaviors so the right people can step in and help those in need.

Like Kirk says, “Students have a chance to change the world we live in by taking a stand against bullying and taking a stand to help others”.

Remember this:

Fear of getting involved is temporary, but regretting that you did not get involved to be a hero for somebody is permanent.  

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