
Stand Out Program

Dear School Staff Member,

Stand For The Silent is starting a new program to recognize positive behavior. The SFTS Stand Out Program will award one student per week a Stand For The Silent Tee Shirt and a $50 gift card for the spring and fall semesters. At the end of each semester one student is selected from the weekly pool of winners for a $100 gift card. The gift cards will be mailed to the school to be presented to the student.

Instructions and Rules

Please read all the information below before completing the Stand Out Nomination form. If you are a certified staff member of a public or private K-12 school, in the United States you will be able to complete the Stand Out Nomination form for yourself. Each certified teacher must complete their own nomination forms. No third-party nomination will be accepted. If you are not a certified staff member you will not be able to complete the form.

Certified staff may only nominate an individual student once per semester. Once nominated, a student is eligible to win for the remaining weeks of the semester. Nominations will be accepted August 1 – December 1, for the fall semester and January 1 – April 1, for the spring semester. 

Nominees should show positive role modeling, good leadership skills, exhibit kindness, respect and integrity in their actions or words and, have shown initiative to actively end bullying at their school. 

The nominator will need to supply;

  • nominator’s name 
  • nominator’s school email 
  • school’s name  
  • school’s address 
  • principal’s name
  • principal’s school email
  • student’s name
  • student’s grade 
  • student’s tee shirt size 
  • a 250 word or less statement why the student is being nominated

Once a nominee has been selected, the nominator and the school principal will be contacted via their school emails. The SFTS Stand Out email will give you further instructions and a Media Release Form. We encourage your school to recognize the student by presenting the SFTS prize pack during class or a special assembly. Please share photos of the presentation to the SFTS Stand Out email address.

By completing this application form you are agreeing to the SFTS Stand Out Program’s Official Rules. All decisions made by the SFTS Stand Out selection committee are final.

Please contact us if you have any questions at:  

Please click here for Official Rules:

Fill out my online form.