
Start a chapter

It’s time to stand!

Hello potential SFTS chapter!

From everyone here at SFTS, we want to thank you for wanting to change the world by choosing to Stand for the Silent. Every single day, people are tortured by bullying. It takes brave individuals, such as yourselves, to stand up and say this is not okay!

We appreciate your enthusiasm and cannot wait to help you get started. However, there are some formalities we need to follow so we can get your chapter up and running right away! We look forward to fighting bulling beside you soon.

Stand for the Silent



Steps to form a SFTS chapter

Step 1: Pledge Cards
All committing members need to sign a pledge card, as well as any new members that are added at a later date.  Contact the Board of Directors for Chapter approval by emailing

Step 2: Adult sponsor
Find an adult to act as advisor/sponsor for your chapter. This can be any adult in your community and does not have to be an employee of a school.

Step 3: Vote
Hold an election to appoint officer’s for your Chapter, to include a minimum of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Step 4: Name and Mission
Create a name for your Chapter as well as a mission statement to describe your group’s personal goals. (See attached example.)

Step 5: Logistics
Decide where and how often your Chapter will meet.

Step 6: Meetings
During your meetings; discuss how you can spread the Stand for the Silent message. Discuss ways to impact your school and community, fundraiser for group activities, or develop skits/plays to perform to show others not only the impact that being bullied can have, but how to prevent/stop it or to offer support to a victim.  Consider performing these at elementary schools or at talent shows – or about forming a peer mediation group (e.g. high schoolers can then mediate for lower classman, and so on and so forth).

Additional ideas for spreading the SFTS message include: SFTS parade float, posters or flyers, mixers, sky’s the limit!  For other ideas, please email

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