
SFTS Stand Out Program Rules


The Stand Out program was created to recognize nominated K-12 students who show positive role modeling, good leadership skills, exhibit kindness, respect, and integrity in their actions and words, and have shown initiative to actively end bullying at their school. It was also created to help Stand for the Silent, Inc. (“SFTS”) spread its message and help others beyond Oklahoma.

One $50 Visa gift card will be awarded on a weekly basis during the Fall and Spring Semester periods. A secondary prize that includes a $100 Visa gift card will be selected at the end of each semester from a pool of the weekly winners.


Nominations may only be submitted by a certified staff member, including teachers, principals, assistant principals, counselors, superintendents, or school nurses employed by a public school, private school, vocational school, alternative, or technical school in the United States.


Geographical and or Enrollment Requirements

SFTS is offering these prizes to any K-12 student in the United States. If under the age of 18, parent(s) or guardian(s) must give permission for media information release. Upon being chosen as a weekly winner, a media release form will be emailed to the nominating certified staff to be forwarded to the winning student and will be expected to be returned by email within 5 business days.

Any student enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade at a public, private, vocational, alternative, or technical school in the United States are eligible. The name and contact information of the nominating staff, education institution, and principle must be provided on the nomination form. The prize will be mailed to the educational institution of the enrolled recipient for the nominating staff to deliver. Students who have previously been awarded a weekly Stand Out prize are ineligible to receive another weekly prize during the same semester, with the exception of the $100 Visa gift card prize awarded from the pool of weekly winners to be given at the end of the school semester.

Contest Entity and Immediate Family Member Ineligibility

The officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents of Sponsor, SFTS, its parent companies, any other sponsor, and any entity involved in the sponsorship, development, production, implementation, and distribution of the contest as well as their respective parents, affiliates, divisions, subsidiaries, and successor companies, and their immediate family members (and those living in the same household) are prohibited from participating in the contest and don’t qualify as participants. “Immediate family members” include spouses, siblings, parents, children, grandparents, and grandchildren, whether as “in-laws” or by current or past marriage, remarriage, adoption, or other familial extension. 

The Stand Out Program is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 


Stand for the Silent, Inc., a 501(c)(3) recognized charitable organization based in Oklahoma, is the Stand Out sponsor. You can find more information about SFTS at their website, 

As Sponsor, SFTS is solely responsible for reviewing and determining eligibility of all “nominators and nominees.”

Nominations are the sole and exclusive property of the Sponsor. All contest entries and related submissions become the sole and exclusive property of the Sponsor upon transmission. Contest entries will not be returned and may be used by the Sponsor for any purpose whatsoever related to the contest without more compensation to the participant or any other individual or entity. 


Participation in the SFTS Stand Out Program constitutes Entrants’ full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, which are final and binding. Winning a Stand Out prize depends on complying with these Official Rules and fulfilling all other requirements set forth herein. 

If any discrepancy arises between these official rules and any other rules, these rules shall govern. The Entrant agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions provided in these rules, and to the interpretations and decisions of the Sponsor, and by all other decisions of the Sponsor, SFTS, which are final and binding in all matters related to the contest.

Rules Change

In their sole discretion, the Sponsor reserves the right to supplement or change these Rules and the rules of any contest at any time without notice. The sponsor reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to interpret the rules of any contest, and this interpretation shall be binding upon all participants. 


The Stand Out Program has 2 nomination periods. The Fall nomination period begins on 8/1 at 8 am, CST and ends on 12/1 at 8 pm, CST. The Spring nomination period begins on 1/1 at 8 am, CST and ends on 4/1 at 8 pm, CST. All nominations in violation shall be voided. All nominations become the property of SFTS and will not be returned.


Nominations may only be entered online. The nomination form may be accessed by visiting our website during the active Stand Out period at: 


At the end of every week during the open nomination period, the SFTS Stand Out committee will select the winning recipient from among all eligible entries. If no nominations are submitted, there will be no winner for that week. Once a student is nominated, they are eligible to be selected for the remainder of the semester. The winner shall be selected based on these criteria: 

  • How specifically the nomination is expressed
  • How well the nominee stands out from other entries
  • All rules and instructions are followed


The nominating staff shall be contacted by email, on a once-a-week basis during the open nomination period. The prize pack will be mailed out to the school on the same day as the email notification. The nominating staff are responsible for notifying the winning student and obtaining media release information for the student. The nominating staff/school is encouraged to recognize the winner during class or a special assembly.

10 – PRIZE

One $50 Visa gift card for the student to use at their discretion and a second prize awarded at the end of each semester, that includes a $100 Visa gift card for the student to use at their discretion. 


Nominees must be at least a K-12th grade school student enrolled at a public, private, vocational, alternative, or technical school in the U.S. If the winner is over the age of 18, a media release form will need to be filled out and signed by the winner. If the winner is under the age of 18, the parent(s) or guardian(s) are required to fill out and sign a media release form. The nominating staff are required to return the signed form to SFTS by email within 5 business days.

SFTS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual found violating the official rules, including, without limitation, tampering, cheating, and or plagiarism. In the Sponsor’s view, nominees who provide false, fraudulent, or deceptive entries or engage in false, fraudulent, or deceptive acts in connection with the contest will be disqualified. 

Any attempt by a person to damage the website, credibility, or legitimacy of the Stand Out contest may violate civil laws. SFTS reserves the right to pursue damages, attorney’s fees, and any other remedies to the fullest extent of the law. The failure of SFTS to enforce any provision of these rules shall not be a waiver. 


By participating in the Stand Out contest, and in consideration thereof, each participant individually warrants and represents to the Sponsor that they meet the residency and age requirements at the time of entry, will be bound by these and any other rules, by all applicable laws and regulations, and the decisions of the Sponsor, and waive any rights to claim ambiguity in these rules. 


By participating in the Stand Out contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless SFTS, the Sponsor, and any of its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, or other associated entities, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders, representatives, and agents, all of whom are referred to collectively as the Released Parties, from and against any claim or cause of action arising out of the participation in the contest, or use of the Stand Out funds, including, but not limited to: 

  1. Technical errors associated with the contest dealing with internet, transmission, or mailing issues;
  2. Unauthorized intervention;
  3. Mechanical errors; Any other errors or problems with the contest, including administration, announcements, postponements, processing time, or
  4. Injury, death, losses, or damages of any kind relating to the contest.


If the Stand Out Program cannot run due to unforeseen circumstances, SFTS may, in its sole discretion, pause, suspend, or terminate the Stand Out contest to address the issue in a manner that best conforms to the good judgment of SFTS and these rules. In the event of a termination, no prize shall be awarded during this round. 

Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, terminate, change, or suspend the contest if it is not capable of being completed as planned, including, but not limited to, the reasons listed. The decision of the Sponsor to cancel, terminate, change, or suspend the contest shall be final. 


Even if alleged to be caused by the sole or partial negligence of the Sponsor, the Sponsor is not responsible for any problems that affect or result from participation or attempted participation in the contest. This includes, but is not limited to, these problems:

  • Incorrect, incomplete, or inaccurate entry information
  • Human errors;
  • Failures, omissions, interruptions, deletions, or defects of any wireless network, telephone network, internet service, computer systems, servers, utility providers, or software;
  • Inability to send text or email messages;
  • Identity theft;
  • Tampering, destruction, or unauthorized access to Sponsor’s computer network;
  • Data that is processed late, incorrectly, or incomplete to any problem;
  • Printing errors; or 
  • Equipment malfunctions

The Entrant further agrees that in any cause of action, the Released Parties’ liability will be limited to the value of the Contest, and in no event shall the Entrant be entitled to attorney’s fees. Released Parties are also not responsible for any incorrect information caused by site users, tampering, hacking, or any equipment or programming associated with or used in the contest. Entrant waives the right to claim any damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, punitive, consequential, direct, or indirect damages. 


Unless prohibited by applicable law, the Stand Out winner will be offered a media release to the contest entities permission, from time to time, to reference and discuss Entrant and their participation in the contest on-air, in television, podcasts, online, and on their websites in photographs, video recordings, digital images, audio recordings and in publications, newsletters, news releases, other printed materials, and in materials provided on the internet or in other media for any purpose the Sponsor considers proper. This reference may include images, names, voices, and other relevant background information. (If under the age of 18, parent(s) or guardian must give permission for media information release.


“Arising out of, from, or relating to” is intended to be read broadly and include claims after the termination or expiration of these Rules and Regulations, claims in connection with, arising out of, or dealing with any part of the relationship between Entrant, Sponsor, SFTS, or others, whether arising out of tort, contract, or other legal theory, including the terms of this Agreement. 


Any dispute arising under this Agreement (including claims, disputes, controversies, or disagreements of any kind arising out of or relating to the nominators application or drafting or construction of the Rules and Regulations, or which may have occurred before or after entering this arbitration agreement (other than non-arbitrable claims including class or collective actions)) will be exclusively resolved by binding arbitration under the commercial rules then in effect of the American Arbitration Association; provided that the substantive law of the Oklahoma Uniform Arbitration Act (or state equivalent) will govern such arbitration, and if any inconsistency arises between the Uniform Arbitration Act and the Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association, the Uniform Arbitration Act will prevail.


All issues and questions about the construction, validity, enforcement, and interpretation of this Agreement and the exhibits and schedules are governed by and construed under the laws of OKLAHOMA without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions (whether your home state or any other jurisdiction) that would apply the laws of any jurisdiction other than OKLAHOMA.


Any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this contest, but in no event and under no circumstances will Entrants be allowed to obtain awards for attorneys’ fees, and Entrants waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental or consequential damages, or any other form of damages, other than actual out of pocket expenses and any rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.


If, for any reason, a claim or dispute regarding the contest or these rules moves forward in court rather than in arbitration, there will not be a jury trial.


The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these official rules, including but not limited to the agreement to arbitrate, shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. If any such provision is deemed invalid or otherwise unenforceable, these rules shall be construed by their terms as if the invalidity or unenforceable provision were not contained herein. The remaining portions of the agreement will remain valid. 


Information collected from entrants shall be subject to SFTS’ privacy policy. 


With their permission or parent(s)/guardian(s), the winners shall be posted on the SFTS website after acceptance and confirmation by SFTS. No winner shall be posted if the winner declines to post their name publicly. However, the name and location of the winner’s school will be used in place of.

Stand for the Silent, Inc. (“SFTS”)
Mailing Address: Stand For The Silent
P.O. Box 185
Perkins, OK  74059
Stand Out Email: