
SFTS Indiana Scholarship

Dear Stand For The Silent Indiana State Scholarship Applicant,

Instructions and Rules

Please read all the information below before completing the Stand For The Silent (heretofore referred to as SFTS) scholarship form. If you are a graduating high school senior and have plans to attend or are currently attending a college or an educational institution in the United States, and residing in the state of Indiana, you will be able to complete the scholarship form. If you will not be a graduating high school senior in the current school year, with plans to attend or are attending a college or educational institution in the United States, or you are not a resident of the state of Indiana, you will not be able to complete the Indiana scholarship form. Please try again when you meet the application requirements. Former recipients of SFTS State Scholarships are not eligible to win again.

If you are under the age of 18, your parent(s) or guardian(s) must agree to you applying. A checkbox will be in section 4, Disclaimers and Signatures, on the application to check yes or no. If it is checked no, you will not be eligible to receive the scholarship. There will also be a media release checkbox. A description of how we might use your information will be shown with a checkbox for yes or no. If no is checked, you will still be eligible to receive the scholarship, but SFTS will not use your photo or information in any SFTS media releases. 

We suggest you have personal information, educational information, and graduation dates available as you work on your scholarship submission. If you are attending a high school and have an email provided by the school, we may not be able to contact you via that email, as most school emails are protected from outside sources for security reasons. We ask that you use a personal email. If you do not have a personal email, ask your parents if you may use theirs or allow you to set up one for scholarship purposes. You will also be required to submit two references, (no relatives please). Please have their names, phone numbers, emails, and position titles ready. It is appropriate to inform your references that you will be using them in your scholarship submission. We do contact references if you are a finalist for one of our scholarships. By submitting your application, you agree to all SFTS State Scholarship Official rules and the decisions of SFTS are final and binding.

There will be two Interview Questions. Your answers will have a 250-word maximum limit. Your form will not be saved for you to return to complete. Please gather your information and be ready to complete the form in one sitting. 

The Scholarship application for the spring session begins on March 1st and ends on March 31st and the fall session begins on October 1st and ends on October 31st. All entries must be received by the end date of whichever session is currently open or whenever we reach our limit of 50 applicants. We urge all applicants to get their applications completed and submitted as soon as possible, as we reach our limit of 50 applications quickly. An announcement will be posted on the SFTS Scholarship Webpage and the application site if the submission is closed early due to reaching the designated number of applicants. 

Once all applications and interview questions have been received and verified, the questions and answers will be sent to the scoring committee. The committee works diligently to score the questions in a timely fashion. If there are no unforeseen complications, it may take two to three weeks to return their scores. If you are selected as a finalist, and there is a tie, you may be contacted for a final interview by our selection committee. Once all winners have been selected and references have been replied the winners will be contacted by the scholarship staff of SFTS via email. 

All recipients of the Indiana State Scholarships must be a current resident of Indiana: (1) a high school senior who will be graduating and is, or will be enrolled, in a college or university in the United States (2) an undergraduate or graduate student at a college or university who is pursuing studies or conducting research to meet the requirements for an academic or professional degree in the United States; or (3) a student – whether full-time or part time – at an educational institution that provides an educational program acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s or higher degree, or offers a training program to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation, such as a vocational or technical school and is authorized under federal or state law to provide such a program and is accredited by a national recognized accreditation agency in the United States. All scholarship awards must be used for tuition and related expenses at an educational institution. No funds will be paid directly to the scholarship winner. The name and contact information of the educational institution must be provided. Former recipients of SFTS State Scholarships are not eligible to participate in the State Scholarships again. No SFTS officers, directors, contractors, employees, or their relatives may receive this scholarship.

The Application which includes education information and references, and an Interview Question must be fully completed for consideration to receive a scholarship. Applications and Interview Questions received after the deadline will not be accepted. 

All decisions made by the scholarship selection committee are final.

Please contact us if you have any questions at:

Please click here for Official Rules:

Fill out my online form.