
Coyle President’s Choice Recipients

We are proud to announce an exceptional group of students from Coyle High School located in Coyle, Oklahoma. During a Stand For The Silent Presentation, Kirk Smalley was so moved by the reactions of the students, he offered each graduating senior a $1500 President’s Choice Scholarship.

Coyle Presidential Scholarship Recipients - Spring 2024

Gracie Balsiger President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Gracey McBane President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Maryanna Meredith President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Lilly Ritter President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Wyatt Suchan President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
John Tarbox IV President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Jordan Williams President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Joaquin Amaro President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Ashlee Kelley President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Johhnamecyiah Howell President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Winter Davis-Straub President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Alex Jennings President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Ryleigh Long President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Regan Price President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Lindsay Ray President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Trevor Walker President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Lorena Hansen President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient
Gabe Vogan President’s Choice Scholarship Recipient